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What are the characteristics of chemical vapor deposition furnace?

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The main equipment used in CVD technology is chemical vapor deposition furnace, which is mainly used in various CVD experiments, and can also be used in vacuum sintering, vacuum atmosphere protection sintering, nanomaterial preparation, battery material preparation and other research fields.

Chemical vapor deposition is a chemical technology, which mainly uses one or several vapor compounds or elements containing thin film elements to chemically react on the surface of the substrate to produce thin film. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a new technique for preparing inorganic materials developed in recent decades. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been widely used to purify substances, develop new crystals, and deposit various monocrystalline, polycrystalline or glassy inorganic film materials. These materials can be oxides, sulfides, nitrides, carbides, or binary or multielement interelemental compounds of groups III-V, II-IV, and IV-VI, and their physical functions can be precisely controlled by vapor-doped deposition processes. Chemical vapor deposition has become a new field of inorganic synthetic chemistry.

When the chemical vapor deposition furnace is used for experiments, it has the following characteristics:

1, the process operation of the equipment is relatively simple, strong flexibility, can prepare a single or composite film and alloy film with different ratios;

2, the use of CVD method is more extensive, can prepare a variety of metal or metal film coating;

3, because the deposition rate can be as high as a few microns per minute to hundreds of microns, so high production efficiency;

4, compared with PVD method diffraction is good, very suitable for coating complex shape of the basic, such as grooves, holes and even blind hole structure can be plated into a film;

5, the coating density is good, due to the film forming process temperature is high, the adhesion on the film base interface is very strong, so the film layer is very firm;

6, withstand radiation damage is low, and can be integrated with MOS integrated circuit process.

The shortcomings of CVD technology are that the deposition temperature can reach 800-1100°C, and the workpiece is easy to deform at such a high temperature, especially for those high-precision workpiece sizes that are not resistant to high temperature changes, and its use will be limited to a certain extent. Second, because the reactive substances involved in deposition and the gas after the reaction are mostly flammable, explosive, toxic or corrosive, it is necessary to take certain protective measures.

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